Let's figure it out!


You CAN make beautiful changes in your life, and I can teach you how!

HI!  I'm Mary Beth!

I'm a wife, mom, Registered Nurse, Certified Positive psychology practitioner, personal development and life coach, speaker, and host of the "If She Can, You Can" podcast.  It's my life's mission to help other women...

  • Figure out what they truly want out of life and how to get it
  • Feel happier
  • Love what they do
  • Have better/healthier/more fulfilling relationships
  • Create more meaning and purpose in their lives
  • Accomplish big dreams and goals
  • Develop customized systems to finally stay on track and see things through


Learn more!

Figure It Out: Your 30-Day Blueprint to Breakthrough

Figure It Out is an empowering 30-Day Blueprint to Breakthrough exclusively designed for moms and women navigating the challenges of feeling stuck in life's monotony aka “default mode.” If you're grappling with stress, a sense of boredom, and barriers like time, money, energy, and support, you're in the right place... Learn more below!

Figure It Out: Your 30-Day Blueprint to Breakthrough


Open enrollment!  Join the Figure It Out movement today!


Learn more and sign up

First Thoughts Journal by Mary Beth Henry

Go from floundering to flourishing in just 90 days with the First Thoughts Journal- a powerful tool designed to help you cultivate more positive emotions through daily gratitude, intention setting, and prayer or positive thoughts towards others. 

Buy Now on Amazon

Sign up for my monthly newsletter, Mindset Maven Monthly Mail!

Mindset Maven Monday Mail is my weekly inbox booster that will help you plan and execute your week! Imagine you had a tool that could not only help you map out and execute your goals, but also have less stress and overwhelm, live your life with more intention, and just have overall more happiness and fun? That's what you get with Mindset Maven Monday Mail. Your transformation awaits...

Corporate workshops to increase job satisfaction , "Positive + Happy Work"

In this workshop, you and your employees/coworkers will learn how to...

 - Create more happiness and well-being in all areas of life.

- Capitalize on your personal character strengths.

- Create more positive work relationships based on understanding and appreciation across all disciplines. 

- Change negative thinking and moods.

- Create a growth mindset for professional and personal goals.

Sound like something you could use at your place of employment?  Click below to set up a time to hear more!

Let's Chat!

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