What To Do If You've Fallen Off Track

Summer months are tough when it comes to goals.  Kids are home and our high hopes of making positive changes in our lives are exchanged for busy days with kids, vacations, late nights and the demands of life.  

Luckily I have some good news for you.  You aren't alone!  This happens to everyone and you are not a failure.  Use this as a time to regroup and do a little examination of how you have been going about things.  So many people have this problem, and It isn't your fault!  

In this episode I show you a clear path to what you want by examining 3 important things.  Once you nail this down, you will be able to jump back on any time you fall off track!  

Interested in doing some more work in this area?  Join the Mindset Makeover!  3 nights of virtual fun where we work on mindset, goals, confidence, relationships, fashion, and wellness.  You will NOT want to miss it!!





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What To Do When Youā€™ve Lost Focus or Momentum

There is no doubt that we are living in awkward times.  The changes in the world right now are affecting everyone in many ways, but as moms we always tend to carry it all.  Everyone’s health, happiness, education, social schedules… it’s a lot!  So how on earth could we ALSO work on our own personal goals at this time? 

Most of us with big goals have been thrown a bit off course, and in many ways lost motivation to pursue anything at this time.  When we look at our lives we see this massive COVID hurdle in our way and finding the mental energy to leap over this feels nearly impossible.  It requires us to get creative and really think outside the box, and It is hard!  Do you ever find yourself thinking, maybe this isn’t the right time to do it?  Or maybe saying, it shouldn’t be this hard? 

Here’s the truth- It’s important to have goals, even during tough times because growth remains...

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Life Coaching Tip of the Week- Don't Let 2020 Derail your Dreams

2020 dreams goal setting goals Oct 22, 2020

Watch here to learn how to tackle your big goals NOW!

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