So excited to bring you a little bonus episode of "If She Can, You Can"!
Episode 013- Living with Intention!
Do you know what it means to live with intention? Living with intention is all about having awareness of you thoughts and feelings, and doing things on purpose instead of on auto-pilot. Creating your life this way allows you a tremendous amount of freedom, gives you a greater sense of purpose and gives your life more meaning. It helps you achieve goals and feel proud of yourself. It helps you serve more and feel more abundance. It helps you have less stress and overwhelm!
In this bonus episode I go over the why and how to live life with more intention. In addition, I explain my new and completely FREE weekly newsletter coming out on Monday, May 10th called "Mindset Maven Monday Mail."
This newsletter is not your common newsletter full of fluff. This is a huge boost to your inbox! It will help you gain the mindset you...
Episode 012 of the "If She Can, You Can" podcast, and interview with life and style blogger Caitlin Houston!
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a blogger? In this episode we answer all that and more with New England Life and Style blogger, Caitlin Houston. Caitlin was my mentor when I entered the blogging world over 2 years ago. Although I transitioned to coaching over time, I have continued to follow along and reap the benefits of the many tips and tricks she shares on her blog and on social media. I love her story because Caitlin made the brave choice to leave her established career as a teacher and follow her dream to pursue blogging as a career. It took a ton of guts, trial, and error but Caitlin has found a ton of success in blogging and she shares all about It in this episode.
Here is what Caitlin has to say,
"Hi I’m Caitlin Houston, a Connecticut native, wife and Mom of two girls, lover of magic, dancing,...
Episode 11: If She Can, You Can Podcast- An episode devoted to helping you re-enter the world Post-pandemic! As more and more things are starting to open up (businesses, offices) and the state restrictions are lightening, it is completely normal to have a mixed bag of emotions. Anxiety, apprehension, excitement... it's all normal! This pandemic has been extremely hard for everyone, we've experienced change and loss that no one could have anticipated.
This episode explained why we've all been ROCKED by this pandemic using the 6 Basic Human Needs philosophy, coming from yours truly... a strategic intervention life coach! In addition, I help you understand how you can find certainty in this time of uncertainty, and things to consider as you re-enter the world.
According to strategic intervention coaching, the 6 basic human needs are our motivation behind all of our actions. Everything we do we do to meet one of these needs. These needs...
EPISODE 9: If She Can, You Can Podcast- An interview with MY coach, Melissa Smith! I came across Melissa during a search for a coach in an area I struggle with, my health and fitness. Melissa is an intuitive eating expert, and I found her on Instagram of all places and immediately enrolled in her 12 week program. I cannot wait for you to learn from her, there are just so many amazing takeaways in this episode!
In this episode you will learn all about intuitive eating mindset, you will learn the dangers of diet culture and how to end the yo-yo dieting once and for all. You will hear about how Melissa went from being a product of diet culture, to being a solution, and how her business and coaching can help you too!
"Melissa Smith is a registered dietitian & mindset coach helping women ditch yo-yo dieting, make peace with food, unapologetically listen to their intuition and boost body image. Her mission is to demystify mindful living and...
I'm so excited to be bringing you a bonus episode this week all about finding your spark! Listen here!
In this episode you will learn the 2 steps to finding your purpose, and how to get started right away with finding your spark! I believe that everyone has a purpose on this earth, something special that is just for you. I think your purpose changes through your life, and that you can have more than one. Once you figure this out, you will be well on your way to living a life of true fulfillment.
Check out this episode and let me know what you think!!
Episode #8 of If She Can, You Can Podcast! Are you ready for a little SPRING CLEANING?
Spring is upon us and with spring comes... spring cleaning! As the snow melts and all the debris of winter storms is left on our yards a lot of the same things are happening in our heads. Life has been so bizarre this past year and as people are getting vaccinated and the nice weather is upon us, it's likely that we're thinking about venturing back out into the world a little more. This means it's time to clear the clutter in our minds so we can fully enjoy life again!
In this episode you will learn 4 simple tips to clear the mental clutter, remind yourself what's important, and how to set yourself up for greatness every single day.
Some great takeaways...
Episode #6 of the "If She Can, You Can- Podcast" is an awesome interview with Megan Pearson, a fellow foster mom and co-president of Fostering Family Hope, a nonprofit to benefit foster kids, foster families, and biological families.
Wow, wait till you hear Megan's story! Megan is a mom of 4 kids of her own and always has her door open to the needs of the foster children in the state of CT. Not only is she an extraordinary mom and foster mom, but she is also the co-founder and co-president of a new nonprofit organization called Fostering Family Hope. Megan has a huge heart and a massive capacity for giving. This story is truly inspiring to say the least.
If you have ever wondered about foster care, you will learn so much from our candid conversation in this episode. We discuss the ups and downs, but mostly how much this journey has benefitted our lives and the lives of our children. You'll hear all about how Megan started as a foster...
Episode #5 of the "If She Can, You Can" podcast is so very special to me. This is my very first INTERVIEW episode and it's with such a special person. Meet Hannah Hopkins Walton, of Somebunny, an amazing company that provides post op comforts for breast cancer patients.
Here is what Hannah had to say...
"My spirit animal is a rhinoceros-monkey-kitten, I’ll just call it a rhinomonitty for short.
I come by my quirkiness authentically, my grandfather was in the circus and wrestled a bear (not kidding).
My 2 weirdest jobs. Doing research in a genetics lab and being an oddly overpayed bathroom attendant, having to dress as the Charmin bear.
I know that life is uniquely messy and awesome.
I started my company, Somebunny, after a recent run-in with breast cancer.
My goal is to help make breast cancer not suck quite so badly by offering post op comfort products, off-color humor and sharing authentic stories from badass women.
Look for my podcast coming soon, Hannah...
Episode #4 If She Can, You Can podcast is about MY FAVORITE topic... Gratitude! Please grab a piece of paper and a pen, you'll want to write some of this down. Enjoy and please let me know what you think! Be sure to subscribe and leave me a 5 star review!
In this episode you will learn all about the benefits of gratitude, the most common types of gratitude, and how to practice gratitude. It's very interesting that something so small could have such a profound effect on your life and well-being! Just some small practices can increase your happiness by up to 25%!
Gratitude is simply showing and feeling appreciation for the good things in your life, big and small. Practicing gratitude means that instead of only showing this appreciation after something happens, you decide to feel the appreciation even before It happens. A gratitude practice can have many benefits-
Episode 2 of the If She Can, You Can Podcast! 5 tips for a better mindset and a happier life. Take a listen and let me know what you think! Be sure to subscribe and give me a 5 star rating! This helps my podcast get recommended to more people.
In this episode of the podcast I'm discussing my 5 best tips to improve your mindset and level of happiness quickly. If you work on these 5 things consistently you will definitely see a big improvement in your overall happiness. I want you to remember that this is all a process, and that you will definitely make some errors along the way, but that's what life is all about! Perfect is not the goal, messy progress is!
The first suggestion made is to try to stop complaining. This is something we all do on some level, and although It may feel good at the time complaining is actually not a good habit to have. I like to think of It as contagious negativity. When you complain...
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